One of the things that everyone in their life has
pondered, Or written books about, has been Time Travel. The real question
is if it is actually possible to travel through time, but since traveling
though time involves the past and the present, why are there not "visitors
from the future" among us today? If it were possible, every time someone
made the jump they would sidetrack the time line and instead of being
a baker, you would become a construction worker. But as soon as you changed
into a construction worker you may be something different due to all the
changes that would happen do to the infinite possibilities that ones life
has over the years and the fact that someone could jump to .000001 seconds
before a time that someone else jumped to. The only way to actually stop
the infinite time line replacing is for someone to create a timeline in
which time travel is never found. This being done by accident or design
would be the only way to stop it. Therefore time travel cannot exist,
otherwise you would change forever and instantly and nothing would stay
the same for more than .00001 of a second due to everyone traveling back
further in time to stop another persons reforms in time.
Time I
Time. Time is what controls our actions from waking to returning to
dream. But is there such a thing as time? Time is not something physical.
You cannot touch time, see time or feel time. It is in good faith
that society believes in time. Just as religious followers believe
in their God(s). Man created time. It was given a specific set amount
by man. It was measured and created. Time does not exist, it is simply
a method of organization and measurement used to control thought process
and society.
Time II
By Ellis Redmond
Time is about measurement from the present to the future, but since
the future is now and just passed, it is impossible to say that one
second from now is in the future cause that "time" has passed so instantaneous
that you can not truly say that it passed, and two seconds from now
becomes now and now it's gone. You can't measure time when time is supposed
to be a measurement.
Reality I
Reality, in definition, is what society sees everyday and what happens
in the world. What if our "reality" was nothing more than a person's
dream? We could all just be part of someone's manifestation, or this
could be your own dream in which you are somewhere else dreaming. Our
society and world as we know it could just be part of someone's imagination.
Aliens I
How did the ancient Egyptians build monumental pyramids? How did the
Romans tunnel though entire mountains and direct water perfectly? It
might have been "visitors from another world". The pyramids may have
been constructed for them or by them. They might have lived among humans
of the past, and ancient Gods may have been attributed to the "aliens".
The "aliens" may have been the Gods they worshipped and spoke so much
of. It's just possible that "aliens" contributed to the advancement
of mankind. The "aliens" may have used humans to do their work. If you
read of ancient times, they speak of immortal beings and beings with
special powers. The "visitors" could have been another "race" of humans
who advanced quicker than that of our ancestors. They may have left
Earth and went to find a new home. "Aliens" may have also simply taken
humans and brought them to their planet or area. The UFOs may be "aliens"
or humans trying to get in contact with us once again, or checking up
on us.
Religion I
Religion is, has been, and always will be a major role in life. It doesn't
matter if you believe in "God" or not, it is part of everyday life.
Religion has the greatest effect on life and society. It is what controls
how people act and think. If it weren't for religion, people would not
have the same general codes of conduct. Religion is the greatest controller
ever created. It has started wars, ended wars, changed the lives of
thousands, and controls people today. Society follows the rules set
by religion due to a fear factor. The fear is (1)Not knowing what happens
after death (2)Not following the rules make death even worse. Religion's
greatest factor for controlling is making people believe that it knows
what happens after death, when no one has ever experienced it and told
about it. Religion also gives people something to hold onto during periods
of misfortune and demise. This also gives Religion the ability to control.
Once religious thoughts and beliefs set in, the fear factor sets in,
and becomes dominant in someone's life due to the fear of "Life after
Death". Religion, the world's greatest controller.
School I
School is where everyone goes to learn about the world. Everyone
is equal and everyone have a voice to be heard. Everyone can participate
and better themselves as well as the community. This resembles the theory
of Karl Marx, AKA Communism. School represents this, as well as being
hypocritical. Everyone in school is suppose to be able to voice their
opinion, however, this is rarely true. The school is suppose to be a
place that everyone has a chance to learn. However, the school doesn't
let the students know about the world. The school controls what the
students learn. However useless it is. The school chooses the students
who have money, or other abilities that will better the school as the
leaders so the school will be better. This is just like communism. The
people who have the better abilities or money is chosen to lead because
they fund the government. This is what the school does. Students who
bring recognition to the school in any positive way are risen above
the others. The ones who can, do not rise and are lessened in power
by the school. The school also teaches life lessons that rarely hold
true to the real world. The school attempts censorship, which is disapproved
by the people who are censored. This brings tension, and with the tension,
hatred and other factors against the school all because the school wants
to better them by choosing students who can help the school, while the
other students gain more and more tension and hurt the school just as
much as it is being helped. If the school would acknowledge the entire
student body as equal instead of separate and special, the school and
everyone would be able to better themselves as well as the world.
Thought I
By: Tim Barton
As reality is concerned what is the
differentiation between reality and thought. How is a person to analyze
these contrasting identities. Most would say that the difference between
the two is the simple fact that a thought is something abstract which
contains non-realistic qualities but reality can be touched and is therefore
physical. Although, how can it truly be stated that everything beyond
your hands' reach is truly reality. You cannot touch that which is not
within your reach: that which you cannot touch(or grasp) is abstract:
that which is abstract is merely a thought. In conclusion to this argument
all that which is not approximately. 1.5 meters from your eyes are merely
Aliens II
By Maribethe Hays
What if Aliens are ourselves from the future? Aliens might be the
evolved form of humans trying to advance the past into the future
to better ourselves. Just as scientists believe that humans of today
evolved from apes, aliens may be humans evolved further. The Aliens
may just be traveling though time, or from a different location of
human life attempting to make contact and help better the humans of
our world, or possibly destroy it.
The Being I
The actual person is broken into 3 parts.
The Body, The Mind, and The Soul. They work in unison, and act as
one. The Body caries out the processes physically. The Mind tells
the body what to do. The soul tells the mind what is right and wrong.
The body is basically the host for the mind. The mind does not think.
The soul thinks. The soul decides what is right, wrong, and what should
and shouldn't be done. Someone with an "evil" soul is conniving,
tricky, and underhanded. A person with a "good" soul is
the opposite. The only part the mind plays are telling the body what
to do. The mind also interprets what the soul tells it into what the
body does. A person with an "evil" mind takes the bad that
the soul finds in a situation and acts it out. A person with a "good"
heart is the opposite. The body in return, only tells the mind feelings.
The mind takes what the body told it, and tells the soul. The soul
decides weather or not it is good or bad. This is the being of a person
broken down into 3 parts. Each of the 3 parts Have smaller parts of
course. But these are the main parts of a person's being.
Evolution I
By Karl Brady
Evolution. We have all heard this word. In fact it has been force-fed
into our brains to be accepted as scientific proof. There is one fundamental
LAW of science that disproves evolution. This is the first law of
thermodynamics. It states, "Energy can be changed from one form to
another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of
energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing
from one form to another." So in essence this means that the same
amount of energy that has been here since the beginning of time is
here now. So then you have to ask yourself...what put the energy here
in the first place. If you subscribe to the big bang theory then ask
yourself...what put the mass of energy in the universe to begin with
if matter cannot be created or destroyed by human means. Also, just
look around you. Look at how complicated the organisms are. Do you
honestly think that everything around you happened by an accident?
That we are all just an error that occurred billions of years ago.
There is a purpose for everything. Also, if you are still thinking
that evolution is a fact then I would like to point to the lack of
transitional fossils in the fossil record. There are no amoebas with
limbs. There are no dinosaurs with arms. There are no fossils that
indicate a transitional phase. Evolution would have you to believe
this. But the fossil record indicates, amoebas, then land animals,
then humans. No Transitions. In addition I would like to point out
a law of science that says that "Life can only come from life." This
was the law that disproved spontaneous generation. Francesco Redi
proved this in his rotting meat with flies experiment. Now evolution
would have you to believe that life first began when some amino acids
in the ocean combined to together and magically got an electrical
charge. This then became a living organism. This simply cannot be.
Science already says that life can only come from life. So therefore
the beginnings of life according to evolution cannot be believed.
However, Creation states that God, a supreme divine being, put Adam
on the planet. This theory of how life began explains many things
evolution does not. It explains human nature, why there are no transitional
fossils was because there was no transition, and that life originally
began with life. I would like to add that there is such a thing as
Natural Adaptation. The black moths in England that became black because
of the suit in the air. They adapted to keep predators out. They did
not however become a new species as evolution has you to believe.
Just remember, don't be fooled by Evolution: The Greatest Myth of